How To Cut Brick With A Scroll Saw The Ultimate Guide

Scroll saws can be used to cut through wood, metal and plastic. How can you cut brick using a scroll saw?

In short, to cut brick with a scroll saw, first make sure that you have a good, sharp blade. Second, use a guide to help keep the brick in place as you cut. Finally, take your time and not to damage the brick.

In this article, I will show you how easy it is to use a scroll saw on bricks. We will also discuss the various types of blades, which blade is best for your project, as well as safety precautions when using a scrollsaw on bricks. Scroll down to see everything you need to know about using a scroll saw for cutting bricks. It will be a great decision.

Here are some steps to follow on how to cut brick with a scroll saw:

1. Select The Right Blade

There are many blades for scroll saws. Each one is designed for a specific type of material. When cutting brick, you will need a blade that is designed for masonry materials. Masonry blades come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so be sure to choose the one that is best suited for your project. Perhaps you are interested in How to Use a Scroll Saw Blade?

2. Reduce Slowly

It is important to slow down when cutting bricks with a scroll saw. This will prevent the blade from chipping or breaking the brick.

3. Apply Pressure Evenly

apply pressure evenly across the surface of the brick to ensure a smooth and even cut. Too much pressure on one area can cause brick cracking.

4. Wear Safety Goggles

When using a scroll saw on bricks, it is important to wear safety goggles. Eye injuries can result from sparks that can be created by the blade when it cuts through bricks.

Safety Precautions:

These are safety tips to remember when you cut bricks with a scrollsaw:

  • When cutting brick, always wear safety goggles
  • If they get into your eyes, the brick shards can cause serious injury.
  • Make sure the blade you are using is sharp.
  • A dull blade can cause the bricks to shatter and send dangerous shards flying all around.
  • Do not try to cut too large of a piece of brick at once.
  • It is best to start with a small piece and work your way up to larger pieces. This will prevent any brick shattering accidents.
  • Clear away all debris from the area surrounding your workbench.
  • Brick shards can cause serious injury if they get underfoot.
  • Never leave your workbench empty-handed.
  • If you need to step away for a moment, make sure to turn off the saw and unplug it from the outlet.

These are just some safety tips to remember when you’re cutting bricks with a scrollsaw. Remember to read the manufacturers instructions before using any new tool.

Common Mistakes:

These are the common mistakes people do while cutting brick with a scroll saw:

  1. People often cut the brick in the wrong direction, which can easily lead to mistakes and inaccurate cuts.
  2. It is possible for the brick to slip or move during cutting if it is not secured properly. This can lead to inaccurate cuts.
  3. Cutting brick with a scroll saw takes some practice beginners may not be able to produce perfectly straight cuts on their first try.

You now know the most common mistakes made when cutting brick using a scroll saw. How to properly set up the scrollsaw


Scroll saws can be used to create intricate patterns out of wood. With the right technique, even thickest bricks can be cut quickly with this tool.

You will learn how to set up your scrollsaw for brick-cutting and how to make efficient cuts. You can quickly and easily create elegant brick designs with a little practice. Ready to try it yourself? Pick up a few bricks and get started!


Are There Blades Specifically Designed For Cutting Bricks?

While there are blades specifically designed for cutting brick, a standard scrollsaw blade will work. Just be sure to use a slow speed when cutting with a scroll saw to avoid damaging the blade.

Is It Possible To Use A Mitersaw To Cut Brick?

A miter saw is not the best tool for cutting brick it can produce inaccurate cuts and may damage the blade. A scroll saw is a better option for cutting brick.

Which Type Of Blade Should You Use When Cutting Bricks With A Scrollsaw?

You can use a standard scroll saw blade to cut bricks. However, it is important to slow down the speed in order to not damage the blade. You can also use a blade specifically designed for cutting brick, but it is not required.

How Do I Know If Im Cutting The Brick In The Right Direction?

To avoid making mistakes or cutting incorrectly, it is important to cut bricks in the right direction. You should cut along the brick’s longest length when looking at it. If youre not sure which is the longest length, ask a professional or someone with experience cutting brick with a scroll saw. Learn how to cut straight points with a scrollsaw