How To Get A Broken Blade Out Of A Jigsaw

Here are some steps on how to get a broken blade out of a jigsaw:

1. Unplug The Jigsaw From The Power Outlet.

This is the most important step. It will make sure you don’t get hurt while trying to remove the blade.

2. Remove The Blade Guard, If Necessary.

Some jigsaws have a blade guard that needs to be removed in order to access the blade clamp. These steps will be helpful if your jigsaw features this feature.

Locate the blade guard on the jigsaw.

To remove the blade guard from the jigsaw, press down on the locking tabs.

3. Loosen The Tension Knob On The Side Of The Jigsaw.

You will find the tension knob on the side the jigsaw, near the point where the blade enters or exits the saw. This knob can be loosen to allow the blade to be removed from the clamp easier.

4. Take The Broken Blade Out Of The Clamp.

The clamp is found at the base the jigsaw. It holds the blade in its place. To remove the broken blade you will need to loosen the clamp screws. You can do this with a screwdriver or Allen wrench, depending on what type of screws are used on your jigsaw.

5. Insert A New Blade Into The Clamp And Tighten The Tension Knob.

After removing the blade from the saw, you can insert the new blade into the clamp. Then tighten the tension knob. Make sure that the new blade is properly aligned with the cutting edge of the saw.

6. Reinstall The Blade Guard, And Plug The Jigsaw Into The Power Outlet.

After you’ve installed the new blade, replace the guard and plug your jigsaw into the power socket. Now you can start using your jigsaw again!

Safety Tips

Here are some safety tips when getting a broken blade out of a jigsaw:

1. Before you begin any maintenance or repair, always unplug your jigsaw power outlet.

2. Broken blades can be dangerous and sharp so be careful.

3. When tightening or loosening the tension knob, be sure not to over-tighten or loosen it. Doing so can damage the jigsaw.

4. When installing or removing the blade, be careful not to damage any small parts. These parts are essential for the proper functioning of the jigsaw.

5. When using your jigsaw, be sure to follow all manufacturer instructions. This will help to ensure that you use the saw safely and correctly.

Some Common Mistakes:

These are the most common errors people make when trying to get a broken blade from a jigsaw.

1. Too Hard Pulling On The Blade

This can lead to the blade becoming stuck further in the saw.

2. Use Pliers Or Other Tools To Remove The Blade

This can damage the saw and make it difficult to reattach the blade.

3. Safety Gloves Should Not Be Worn

Inadvertent contact with the blades can cause injury.

4. Not Disconnecting The Power

This could be dangerous and lead to electric shock.

5. Not Tilting The Jigsaw Table

This can make it more difficult to remove the blade.


Is there a way to fix a broken blade without replacing it?

A broken blade cannot be fixed without having to replace it. To continue using your jigsaw, you will have to replace the blade.

Can I Remove The Blade By Myself?

Although you can easily remove the blade yourself, it is best to use gloves and disconnect power supply to prevent injury.

What Do I Do If My Blade Is Stuck?

If the blade is stuck, you can try tilting the jigsaw table to make it easier to remove. You can also use a pair of pliers to grab onto the blade and pull it out. This is a very dangerous process that can cause damage to the saw.

What Can You Do To Prevent Blades From Breaking In The First Place? ?

There are a few things you can do to prevent blades from breaking in the first place:

Use the correct blade for the material you are cutting.

Avoid putting too much pressure on the blade.

Keep the blade sharp and free of nicks and burrs.

Inspect the blade for damage before using it.

When not in use, disconnect the power.


There you have it. This is our step-by-step guide to how to remove a damaged blade from a jigsaw. If you follow these instructions, hopefully, you can avoid any potential injuries and get your tool back up and running in no time.