How To Cut Plexiglass Curves Scroll Saw

You want to learn how to cut curves out of plexiglass

You can cut any shape in plexiglass with the right tools and some knowledge. Its a great way to add some extra flair to your projects and its easier than you might think!

Scroll saws are one the most versatile tools in any woodworker’s arsenal. You can use them for everything from simple crafts to complex furniture. If youre looking for a scroll saw that can handle curves, then we have just the thing for you.

What Is Plexiglass?

Plexiglass, a plastic made from acrylic, is a type. It is prized for its durability and transparency, making it a great choice for a variety of different applications.

Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Take The Curve Into Account

Before you start cutting, its important to measure the curve that you want to cut. This will ensure that you cut accurately and that your finished product looks amazing.

2. Note The Cut Line

After measuring the curve, you can use a pencil or marker to draw a line on plexiglass to indicate where you want your cuts to be made.

3. To Cut Along The Line, Use A Scroll Saw

It’s time to get out the scroll saw and begin cutting! You should ensure that your blade is suitable for cutting plexiglass. There are many types of blades, so make sure you do your research.

4. Sand The Edges

Once you have finished cutting, use some sandpaper to smooth out the edges of the plexiglass. This will give your project a polished appearance.

5. Enjoy Your New Curve!

You now know how to cut curves out of plexiglass. Let’s see if you can do it! You can create beautiful, curved pieces with a bit of practice.

Safety Tips:

Here are some safety tips to keep in mind when cutting plexiglass curves on a scroll saw:

When cutting plexiglass, always wear safety glasses. You could be injured if splinters of the material fly into your eyes.

Make sure the blade you are using is appropriate for the thickness of the plexiglass. A blade that is too thin for the material may break, and a blade that is too thick may not cut through the plastic properly.

If the material seems stuck, don’t force it through the saw. This could cause the blade’s to break or kick back and possibly injure you.

At all costs, keep your fingers and hands away from the blade.

Make sure the piece you are cutting is securely clamped to the table.

Some Common Mistakes:

Here are some tips to help you avoid making these mistakes:

1. Make sure that the blade is properly aligned with the curve that you want to cut. If the blade is not aligned, the curve will not be precise.

2. Always use a slow speed when cutting curves in plexiglass. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and ensure precise cuts.

3. Apply pressure evenly when cutting plexiglass. This will prevent you from creating uneven curves in the project.

4. To ensure precise cuts, use a saw guide as often as possible. A saw guide can help align the blade with the curve you are trying to cut.

5. When cutting plexiglass, take your time. Rushing through the process will only lead to mistakes and poor quality cuts.


What Type Of Blade Should You Use For Cutting Curves In Plexiglass?

For cutting curves in Plexiglass, a fine-tooth blade will be the best. This blade produces the best cuts and is less likely to crack or chip.

Can You Cut Curves In Plexiglass Without A Scroll Saw?

Although it is possible to cut curves out of plexiglass with a scroll saw, it is not recommended. A scroll saw will give you much more accurate results and is less likely to cause any damage to the plexiglass.

What Is The Best Way To Hold The Plexiglass While Cutting?

The best way to hold the plexiglass while cutting is to use a pair of pliers or a vice grip. This will keep the plexiglass from sliding while you’re cutting.


We showed you how to cut curves in plexiglass using a scroll saw. We guided you step-by-step through the process and offered helpful tips.

You now know the basics, so go ahead and give it a try! Be sure to share your results with us in the comments section below.